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Celebrating the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominican friars in the Americas in 2010, specifically on the island of Hispaniola, is a meaningful way to honor our rich heritage and position our colleges and universities for a dynamic future.  To do so, we ask ourselves:

  1. How has our Dominican history shaped our present reality and informed our future goals?
  2. In what ways does my academic discipline, department, division, or program convey, model, and/or promote the values of Dominican transformative higher education?
  3. How might Dominican communities of higher education create meaningful opportunities to address and alleviate injustices through systemic, self-sustaining initiatives?
  4. In what ways does my academic discipline, department, division or program engage students, faculty, and staff in meaningful dialogue regarding our identity, heritage, and traditions as Dominican Catholic colleges and universities?
  5. How might engaging the truths of our Dominican past empower us to more authentically envision our future?  

We welcome compelling proposals for presentations and papers consistent with the  theme of the Colloquium from all areas of the Curriculum, as well as from Campus Ministries, Student Affairs,
Community Initiatives, Service Learning, and other collegiate programs. Each session allows for 45 minutes of input with 30 minutes for questions and discussion. The structure of each session is determined by the presenter(s). Successful proposals will feature dynamic interaction with Colloquium participants and broad
appeal to faculty, students, and staff.

Proposals should consist of (1) the goal of the presentation, (2) a 250-word abstract of the content, (3) the structure of the session (workshop, single presenter, panel, paper and respondent), (4) contact information of the proposer, (5) audiovisual needs, and (6) a 100-word précis of the presentation.

Please forward your proposals electronically by December 15, 2009 to Gloria L. Schaab, SSJ, Ph.D. at gschaab@mail.barry.edu

“    For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says GOD,            
plans for your welfare, not for woe;
plans to give you a future full of hope.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Download a PDF of the Call for Proposals here.